Monday, November 21, 2011

Angry heart/ lacking self love

I was really trying to figure out why I have been so angry. I hate when I get pissed because I feel like I just have no control of my emotions. Then I woke up this morning and saw all these inspirational tweets especially by the daily love. They had a post about self love. It really hit home in a way where I feel like that's where a lot of my pent up anger is coming from. Not to say that daily things aren't either but I feel like personal issues are definitely fueling my anger most definitely. So after reading the article this morning I definitely going to put some of their suggestions into action. I've been working on myself for a while but I feel like that was just the beginning. I will post the link it may help others who are dealing with similar issues with self love. I also feel like I am going through some type of transition not completely sure of what but definitely keep y'all posted.–-turn-up-self-love/

Love & peace

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